Financial Donations
číslo: 102125664 IBAN: CZ93 0600 0000 0001 0212 5664
Bank connection – the number of the account for financial donations (CZK):
Sort code: 0600
Constant symbol: 308
Variable symbol: 111
We would like to thank you for your sincere encouragement and favour and ask the anonymous donators to specify requested details into the note for addressee (in the case of bank or mail payment)
or to send the details to:
Contact details
Address: Domov pod hradem Žampach
č.p.1, Žampach
564 01 Žamberk
Phone numbers: fixed line – director of the institution: +420 465 635 220, mobile phone: +420 603 878 659, fax : +420 465 618 137
Information pour les dons et les sponsors
Informationen für Spender und Sponsoren
Zpracováno systémem WEBEasy od firmy TH SOFT. | Vytištěno ze stránek 16. 2. 2025, 04:11 |